Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Following the crowd

 We tend to follow crowds easily without knowing who they are, and what they are talking about. This is called social influence.

When there's a trend going on around the world, what would you do? Follow it or ignore it. Most of us tend to follow it because we sometimes want to be accepted, liked, and have a sense of acknowledgment. Researchers conducted an experiment about this, they each asked the participants two questions about different topics and freely expressed their opinions. The result was that participant's changed their attitudes through the discussion and intensified their opinions as they were discussing. The researchers concluded that "Group consensus appears to produce a change in views in which respondents are inclined to accept more extreme opinions," the researchers found. When we see our unsure thoughts mirrored back to us, our convictions grow stronger.

 This can relate to my own experiences following crowds and others(crowds can also mean what is trending right now). It feels like there's nothing to discuss other than the trend at the moment, although it may seem awkward to some people talking to strangers eventually they will be getting along. Following crowds can date back to centuries as well, humans were required to live together, smother relationships, reduce conflict, and coordinate. Such as a person following a community.

From my point of view, following the crowd is human nature. It has been there since the beginning of civilization because one of the human characteristics is a social person. A social person is the type of person that is sociable to people using words, ideas, and feelings to work with people. Even though there are some people that aren’t social such as introverts it doesn’t mean that they can’t talk to anybody, they just feel uncomfortable talking for a period of time. In my conclusion people following crowds is normal and people cannot be oblivious to it. Following the crowd is a normal thing but it is your decision to join or so we call it “anti-mainstream”.