Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Do hobbies help people with their careers?


The word hobby was found in the 13th century and it referred to a small horse or a pony. It later came to describe a toy horse as a hobby horse. It’s from the word hobby horse that has evolved into the meaning “favorite pastime” and the word we use today, hobby. Hobbies can also be a form of career, but not everybody has this opportunity. To simplify it, yes, hobbies can help people with their careers, because it shows people's personality, interests, creativity, ambition, passion and hidden talents. Hobbies and interests are valuable since they do not distract you or waste your precious time, for example people like playing games, and they spend tons of hours doing what they like, as they do not care how much precious time they waste because they are focused on what they are doing.

My point of view is that Hobbies are a valuable factor to searching for a career because nowadays the worlds of jobs are much wider and have more variety of options to pick, compared to the past when you had common jobs  such as officer work, military, government, etc. As humans in the present become open-minded about picking their careers because it will be their lifetime jobs to provide their needs but also have fun. The Effect Of Doing The Works As Their Hobbies

The University of South California stated that Being happy at work and loving what you do is an overall productivity booster and enhances performance. People who enjoy their jobs are more likely to be optimistic, motivated, learn faster, make fewer mistakes, and make better business decisions. Steve Jobs also stated in his speech during the 2005 Stanford graduating class that ”the only way to do great work is to love what you do,”.

In conclusion, The path that you choose to be your profession is very important. Because not only the benefits you are creating for yourself and think optimistically. In turn, working on what you love will be more amusing and easier to master on the path to success.

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